Short post with big news!

Baby V is a girl! We are shocked and excited… lots of pink and girlie things are in our future!
Anatomy scan showed baby girl V squirming up a storm and sucking on her hands. She is measuring right on track, which is a huge relief to me (who woke up 5-6 times last night worrying).
Finally took a belly picture this morning before the appointment… I tried to hide the nervousness on my face, but I can still detect it. 🙂

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4 Responses to Short post with big news!

  1. Adrianne says:

    Yay!!! So exciting! Also, you look fantastic, Bri! Gorgeous as always, and now with an extra glow. Thanks for sharing the news and the belly picture!

  2. Jean Johnson says:

    My beautiful daughter is going to have a beautiful daughter!!!! I am a bit excited if you couldn’t tell! “Little Miss Baby V” is my name for her until her debut in late March. Please tell her that Grandma Jean is looking forward to loving her up A LOT!

  3. Pingback: 2012 Year in Review | Coffee Cups and Belly Laughs

  4. Pingback: Pregnancy Recap…weeks zero through 35 | Coffee Cups and Belly Laughs

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